Hold onto your blessings by giving thanks to Allah.
'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
- So long as you are close to that which is not Allah, you will always be troubled and sorrowful, ascribing partners to Him, and unable to escape the burden of your sins.
- Rebel against your desires, but obey Allah.
- Be among those who fear and respect Allah. Polytheism can be internal or external. External polytheism means worshipping idols, whereas internal polytheism means abandoning Allah and relying on other people, trusting them, and expecting loss or gain from them.
Abdulkadir Destuti
O friend, turn to Allah alone and place your complete trust in none other than Him. Everything happens by His choosing and His will. Place the approval of no servant and being above that of Allah.
Abdullah ibn Hubayk
Prolonged exposure to lies, error, and empty and hollow things removes the taste of worship from one's heart. Whoever wishes to remain vibrantly alive must cast all greed and covetousness from one's heart.
Abu Bakr al-Varrak
The thing that will draw you closer to Allah is to ask from and beseech Him alone. What will draw you close to other people and raise your esteem in their eyes is to ask nothing from them.
Caliph Abu Bakr as-Shiddique (ra)
Be patient. Patience is the most important of all things.
Abu Darda
There are three indications of a person's greatness: not complaining in the face of calamity, not groaning in the face of pain, and not praising oneself.
Abu'l Hassan Ali ibn Vafa (ra)
- The saying "The heart is the abode of Allah" means that the servant must place only what Allah loves in his heart and must keep all that He condemns out of his heart.
- The person who takes those who turn their backs on Allah as their friends will be belittled by Him in the eyes of His servants.
- A perfected individual is one who tames one's desires. Allah praises and elevates such a person through the tongues of His servants.
- Whoever wishes his blessings to be permanent, let him praise Allah and say: "It is He Who is the Lord of blessings, Who imparts them, and does good."
Abu Safvan ibn Avane
Why must a person love his friend? Because one sees that he serves our Lord well.
Abu Sulayman ad-Darani
How can servants capable of reasoning boast of their deeds? To be able to perform a deed is a blessing from Allah. All servants should feel gratitude and humility for being given that opportunity.
Abu Yazid al-Bastami
Who shall I take as my friend? He who knows you as you are, from whom you cannot hide your true self; in other words, Allah.
Ahmad Cahidi Efendi
1) The Recollection of the Tongue: Calling on Allah for evil and the flesh to be done away with. 2) The Recollection of the Heart: Attaining the awareness placed in the heart by Allah through sincere reflection. 3) The Recollection of The Self: Calling on Allah not with sounds and words, but sincerely, with feeling and imagination. 4) The Recollection of the Soul: Looking in the light of the manifestation of His delightful Names in the universe and reflecting upon Him.
Aisha (ra)
Those who belittle and mock His servants do not know Allah. Those who love the Creator also love those formed by His artistry.
Albert Einstein
- Science without religion is lame.
- Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.
- True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness.
- Two things inspire me to awe-the starry heavens above and the moral universe within.
- What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of "humility."
- Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
- Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.
- Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.
Imam Al-Ghazzali
- Those who show patience when they cannot obtain something, contentment when they achieve it, and fortitude when they lose it are those who have heedfulness
- Those who love prefer to please those whom they love instead of pleasing others.
- Services rendered by people who have not tamed their selves are usually performed for those selves, not for Allah.
- Love for God envelopes the heart, it rules the heart and it even spreads over everything.
- Allah states that the consequence of deviating toward oppressors is the Fire (Surah Hud: 113). Just think: If not being an oppressor but just being close to them can lead one to the flames, what must happen to the oppressors themselves?
- True love appears, or rather manifests itself in three ways: The lover prefers the words of the beloved to those of others, prefers the conversation of the beloved to that of others, and prefers to please the beloved rather than others.
Ali ibn Abi Thalib (ra)
- Those closest to Muhammad (saas) are those who follow him. His enemies are those who oppose Allah.
- Knowledge raises the low, but ignorance brings down the mighty.
- True freedom is servitude to God.
- Know that patience, if viewed against one's affairs is like the head to the body. If the head leaves the body the whole body will be spoiled, likewise, if patience leaves, all affairs will be spoiled.
- Devout labor is labor expecting praise and reward from Allah alone.
- Fear more the sin when you are out of sight, it is where your witness is also your judge.
- Two friends are like two hands, one of which washes the other.
Amir ibn Sharahil
The wise people are those who fear and respect Allah.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
- He Who created the eye of the mosquito is the One Who created the sun.
- He Who created the mosquito's eye also created the Sun.
- Distress teaches vice. Despair is the source of misguidance; and darkness of heart, the source of distress of the spirit.
- Solidarity in a society results in tranquility in all its activities, while mutual envy causes all its activities to come to a standstill.
- The revival of religion is the revival of the nation. The life of religion is the light of life.
- A person who sees the good in things has good thoughts. And he who has good thoughts receives pleasure from life.
Let those who seek wisdom not rebel against Allah.
Dhunnun al-Misri
Sickness of the body appears with pains and aches. Sickness of the heart appears with sin. Just as food has no taste when you are sick, so the heart feels no flavor in worship when it is mired in sin.
Elmalili Hamdi Yazir
How strange that people rebel against Allah while the flames are burning beneath them.
Hatim al-Asamm
Those who make three claims without doing three things, those who claim that Allah loves them although they indulge in what He has forbidden, those who say they desire Paradise although they do not spend their wealth in auspicious ways, and those who claim to love the Prophet (saas) although they do not love the poor. These are liars.
Huzaifa (ra)
Who is a hypocrite? Those who talk of Islam but does not labor.
Ibn `Ata' Allah al-Iskandari
- The most auspicious knowledge is that which awakens respect for and fear of Allah.
- True humility is born of witnessing His greatness and the manifestation of His Names.
- Do not make friends with those whose words do not show the path of Allah, whose states are far from Him.
- When you wish the doors of hope to be opened, remember the blessings you have received from Allah. When you wish the doors of fear to be opened, look at what you have done for Him.
- Do not fall into despair if blessings come late, even though you keep asking for them, because Allah has promised to heed prayers. Yet the wish to be granted will be granted because He wishes it for you, not because you wish it for yourself.
- Putting off service to a later time is the stupidity of earthly passions (nafs [self]).
- How can the public gaze be of any importance when the gaze of Allah is upon you? Leave aside the way of the public and try to see that of God.
- Do not ask someone to meet a need that God can meet. How can such a person give you what He does not? How can one who is unable to meet one's own needs meet those of another?
- Turning to Allah at the start of a task is a sign of its successful conclusion.
- One who regards oneself as being above one's deeds is not humble. A humble person regards himself as lower than his deeds.
- One sign that the heart has died is not regretting advantages one has missed while feeling nothing for one's evil deeds.
- Those who constantly speak of their own good deeds are silenced by one error, but no error can silence those who speak of Allah's blessings.
Ibn Masud
- Everyone is in the world as a guest, and his money is but a loan. The guest must go sooner or later and the loan must be returned.
- Patience is of two halves, one half is patience, the other half is thanking God.
Ibrahim Dassuki
If you love Allah and spread the love of Him, all things in heaven and Earth will love you. Obey Allah, and all those in heaven and Earth will obey you.
Imam an-Nawawi
Intention is the measure for rendering actions true, so that, where intention is sound, action is sound, and where it is corrupt, then action is corrupt.
Ismail Hakki Toprak
If you love one another for Allah's sake, Allah will love you
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
- Precaution is better than cure.
- Wisdom is found only in truth.
- Nobody can change or avoid his destiny.
- People first ruin their health for the sake of money, and then spend money to regain their health.
Junayd al-Bagdadi
- Gratitude is not rebelling against Allah with Allah's blessings.
- O Allah, I shelter behind you from all deeds that will displease you. O Allah, I ask for the most essential, the most clean, and the honor You bestow. O Allah, do not make me so busy that I fall into the forgetfulness of those who forget You. May I be worthy of Your approval. O Allah, make me a servant remembered only for loving You, hoping for nothing from his worship! O Allah, fill my heart with joy from You, purify my tongue with Your Names, let my limbs labor on tasks You will find good and of which You will approve. O Allah, eliminate all traces, memories, recollections, and feelings that are not of You!
Maliq ibn Dinar
Believers are like pearls. Wherever they may be, they are beautiful there
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi
- Prayer and worship mean closeness to Allah. Life and death are both agreeable to someone who is close to Allah.
- Know what you will, but you can only impart as much as the other person can understand.
The Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace)
- Allah loves gentleness in all things.
- A person's true wealth is the good deeds that he does in this world.
- Do not grow weary of your prayers, because nobody has ever been destroyed through prayer.
- The best of faith: To know that wherever you may be, Allah is with you.
- None of you can be a perfected believer so long as you do not wish for your brother what you wish for yourself.
- Forgiveness is the alms of victory.
- In the same way that fire swallows up wood, envy swallows up and destroys goodness.
- Purify your world. Labor for the Hereafter as if you will die tomorrow.
- Calling on His Names is balm for the heart.
- Two friends are like two hands, one of which washes the other.
- By Him in Whose hand my soul is, a man does not believe till he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.
- Avoid envy, for envy devours good deeds just as fire devours fuel.
- Among the best of you [are they] who have the best character.
- God does not look at your forms and possessions, but He looks at your hearts and your deeds.
What is the sign that a person is deprived of Allah's help? Regarding good and auspicious things as ugly, and ugly things as good and auspicious.
Muadh ibn Jabal
- Learn what you will, but know that so long as you do not implement what you learn, Allah will give you no reward for it.
- If you do not implement your knowledge, Allah will not reward it.
Maymun ibn Mihran
Those who were prophets and those who were not obtained the greatest good through patience.
Sahl ibn Abdi'llah at-Tustari
Believers are those who are aware that God is watching them. Such servants restrain their desires and prepare themselves for the Hereafter. The hijr, an obligation that lasts until Doomsday, is the road that leads from ignorance to knowledge, from forgetting Allah to seeking Him, from sin to obedience, and from obduracy to repentance.
Said al-Hiri
Liberating the heart can be attained through four virtues: humility before Allah alone, needing Allah alone, fearing and respecting Allah alone, and hoping from Allah alone.
Said an-Nabaci
Those servants who trust only Allah are strong true servants.
Sayyid Qutb
Success comes from Allah, as does facility.
Sufyan-i Savri
Attaching no value to the world means attaching no undue value to others. Attaching no value to others starts with attaching no undue importance to oneself.
Sufyan ibn Uyayna
Reflection is the key that opens the door to mercy. Do you not see? One first reflects and then repents!
Talha ibn Musarrif
O Allah, make my silence reflection. May I learn when I look. Make my tongue repeat Your Names. May I always remember You.
Umar ibn Abd-al-Aziz
Words that speak of Allah are beautiful. Thinking of His blessings is the highest religious observance.
Caliph Umar ibn-Khattab (ra)
- Improve yourself before seeking to improve others.
- Acquire knowledge, and for acquiring knowledge learn to be calm and clement.
- It is healthy to remember Allah.
- There can be no greater shame than not seeing in oneself a fault one sees in others.
- Our conscience is the most secret witness of an evil deed.
- Nothing is as good for the heart as what emanates from it. The purer the heart and the more devoted to Allah, the greater the benefit.
- Justice is the foundation of property.
- The most ignorant person is one who sells the Hereafter for another's world.
- The best religious observance is to do what is commanded and avoid what is forbidden.
- The person I like most is the one who points out my defects.
- I looked at all friends, and did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought of all types of good deeds, but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience.
Caliph Uthman bin Affan (ra)
- Learn from the past and labor for good.
- Hasten to perform such good deeds as you can before death comes.
- Allah gave you this world so that you may seek the Hereafter with it, not for you to desire it.
Yahya ibn Muadh
- The world rules whoever loves and seeks it, and serves whoever abandons and denies it. The world is that which desires and that which is desired. Whoever desires the world is rejected by it. Whoever rejects the world is followed by it. The world is a bridge over the road to the Hereafter. Cross that bridge, but do not behave as if you will remain on it forever. It is unwise to build palaces on bridges. Take as much from the world as will lead you to the Hereafter, but leave behind that which will prevent you from entering it.
- Whoever surrenders his heart to Allah alone and concentrates on this, bright sparks of wisdom will rise from his heart and pour from his tongue.
- If you are not content with Allah, can you expect Him to be content with you?
Source: www.harunyahya.com
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